Thank you for your interest in this ad-supported free app. We respect your privacy.
Andela ICT does not collect, transmit, or sell personally identifying information via it’s mobile apps.
Data retention:
If at any time we happen to obtain any personally identifying information, including emails or phone numbers, perhaps obtained through app support requests or other email correspondence, it will be handled in strict confidence. Such personal information will never be shared with any other entities, unless essential to comply with a written request made by you or a court.
Changes to our privacy policy:
We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time simply by posting modifications to the web link at the top of the page, without any other form of notification. Such modifications once posted are effective immediately. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy link from time to time to ensure that you continue to agree with all of its terms.
Data may be collected by Google’s Admob subsidiary as part of this advertising supported app. For full details of their privacy policy please see http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
Any questions?
We are here for you. Should you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or any Andela ICT product or policy then please contact us by sending a mail to info@andela.eu